Start your trip planning out right so it becomes your dream trip

In this course you will discover how travel professionals start planning new trips plus the details they know so you can make sure you are prepared for all your future trips without anything going wrong.

You will save hours of time not having to wonder where to look, if you thought of everything while easing your mind that you are doing it right with this trip planning shortcut.

Get to know all my secrets and tips I have learned along my travel lifetime so that you don’t have to go through the mistakes I did, while bringing your travel dreams to life. The things you do in the very beginning stages of your trip planning will determine how successful your trip will be, so let’s get it right!

• Use these strategies and techniques over and over for the lifetime of your travels

• Find what details you need to know before you start booking

• Establish a system to keep everything organized so you don’t get overwhelmed

• Know how to find unique locations to include in your trip so your trip doesn’t look like everyone else’s

You need to know all the details needed for your trip PRIOR to taking it so disaster doesn’t strike. These disasters can easily be avoided when you know what you need to know.

What's inside


• Questionnaire to help you determine what kind of trip you want to take

• Worksheet to help you organize your trip

• Checklist of questions to ask your possible travel companions

• Worksheet to help you determine where to go so it fits within your budget and timeline

  • Establish the kind of trip you want to have

  • Uncover who you should or shouldn’t be travelling with so you have a great trip

  • Determine the travel requirements you may need to travel to the different destinations

  • Identify how to determine what places to include on your trip

  • Find the details you need to know before you start booking

  • Master how to effectively use different search engines to find the best information

  • Know how to save money on your trip even before you start booking anything

  • Determine the right time of year to go to the destinations you want to see

  • Find out how to overcome decision fatigue and why it plays a big roll in your planning and on your trip

  • Establish a system to keep everything organized so you don’t get overwhelmed

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Planning the Perfect Trip Introduction

  2. 2
    • Passport Essentials

    • How to Get a Passport

  3. 3
    • What is your travel style?

    • What are the different types of trips?

    • DOWNLOAD: What kind of trip do you want questionnaire

    • Questions to ask yourself about your trip

    • DOWNLOAD: Trip planning questionnaire

  4. 4
    • Travel Inspiration

    • How to search effectively in Google

    • How to search effectively on Pinterest

    • How to find unique places to travel

    • How to use Instagram to find unique places

    • Search terms to find unique places

    • How to keep your trip planning organzied

    • How to choose where to go on your trip

    • DOWNLOAD: How to choose where to go worksheet

    • How to save money when planning your trip

    • How to find cheap flights

    • Tips for creating a great trip

  5. 5
    • Choosing the travel season to take your trip

  6. 6
    • What you need to know about travel visas

    • The different types of visas

    • What you need to know about vaccinations

  7. 7
    • What to do before you start planning the trip

    • Questions you should be asking each other

    • What if they bail on you

    • DOWNLOAD: Travel companion checklist

  8. 8
    • What is decision fatigue and why it matters

    • How to combat decision fatigue

    • How to stop the overwhelm with these tips

  9. 9
    • Planning the Perfect Trip Wrap up

  10. 10
    • Planning the Perfect Trip, What's Next



Jen has an amazing amount of travel experience. With her vast travel experience she will provide ideas & recommendations, do’s and don’ts for all aspects of travel in an organized and easy to understand manner. Together with her own travel experience, her knowledge of photography & her attention to detail, her guidance will greatly assist clients looking for confident travel planning experiences.


I was thoroughly impressed with Jen and all the courses I took. Having someone to go through it all and explain how to do these things was so invaluable. I was able to follow along at my own pace and then go back and re-watch want I needed to see again. I would highly recommend any of the programs Jen offers and if you get a chance to work with her, you won’t regret it.


Jen has an amazing amount of travel experience. With her vast travel experience she will provide ideas & recommendations, do’s and don’ts for all aspects of travel in an organized and easy to understand manner. Together with her own travel experience, her knowledge of photography & her attention to detail, her guidance will greatly assist clients looking for confident travel planning experiences.

Meet Jen

Your Course Instructor

Hi there, I’m Jen

You can say I have always loved travel…even if I didn’t really start travelling until I was an adult. I was the kid who wrote to tourism boards requesting information that they would mail to me (yup, no internet then!) and daydreamed of all these far off places. Once I finished school I dove into travelling, working on cruise ships (as a photographer), for travel companies, and living abroad in England, Ireland and Thailand.

After a hiatus of travel, I took the plunge in my late 30’s to get back out to really explore the world again, but on my own terms. I set out on a 15-month solo journey around the world. I was scared and excited all at the same time. Doing this all on my own I would second guess myself, wonder if I was doing things right while making mistakes, spending more money than I should have but wow, did I learn a lot! After that extended trip, I couldn’t stop and continue to travel as much as possible.

My life ignited with passion and happiness that had been missing when I wasn’t doing any travel. I LOVED carving out my own trips, learning more from other travelers and experts and exploring this amazing world. I have been lucky enough to explore over 80 countries so far on 6 continents and I see no end in sight.

I want to help more people like you to get out and see what this world has to offer. Not only that, I want to share all my travel knowledge so people don’t have to go through the mistakes I made and spend hours, days and months researching and planning. I know exactly how you are feeling since I also had all the fears, nerves and uncertainty. I want you to have fun creating your trip and be confident then taking this dream trip you created. So let’s get travelling!


How to confidently start planning your dream trip without second guessing yourself? If not, you know what to do...HIT THAT BUTTON!

You’re going to feel confident and excited about your trip once you know how to start planning with ease and the right information like the professionals.

Forget spending hours, days and months trying to figure out all these things yourself and making mistakes along the way.


  • What if I’ve never planned a trip before, and have no idea how to do it?

    This course is perfect for you to get you started off on the right foot. You will gain the knowledge of what steps you need to do at the beginning of your trip planning so it will be an easy, successful and a fun part of your trip.

  • What does Planning The Perfect Trip course cost?

    Only $47! I want everyone to be able to have access and make sure they create the trip of their dreams without the struggles and time it took me.

  • How long is the course?

    The course is chalk full of actionable information (no fluff here) for 90 minutes. I don’t want you spending a long time watching when you can be starting to plan your trip as soon as possible.

  • How long do I get access to the course?

    You have unlimited access to the course for one year. Download the worksheets and checklists to keep those forever.

  • How do I get my course and content?

    When you decided to purchase a course it will take you to the checkout process with two steps:

    1. Sign up for a student account, or log into an existing student account.

    2. Select a payment method, input your credit card details and confirm the purchase

    Once you have enrolled, you’ll be given access to the course immediately . Your course will available via the course player where you can view the curriculum, watch your videos and more.

  • What if I am unhappy with the course?

    We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact us. However, there are No Refunds since these are digital courses with immediate access to all information.


This is where you take control of planning your dream trip, where you decide you are going to get help to make sure your trip is a success